“We had about five slices of bread and we all threw bits of it towards them. The ducks fought a little over it but they seemed to enjoy it.A visit to the local organic market ought to solve the problem.
“Then a man in a fluorescent waistcoat who was holding a litter pick-up stick came over to me and said ‘I know you mean well but giving them white bread is not good for them’.”
Lisa Taplin, 34, was told to bring granary or wholemeal bread next time.The Manifesto Club's response was amusing
The fluorescent vest-clad official said giving ducks white bread was like Mrs Taplin feeding her two sons chips with every meal.
It is amazing that health fascism extends to the digestive system of ducks.Personally I would be tempted to return with bags of lard, sugar and salt for the birds.
Come to think of it, our botanical gardens asks us not to feed bread to the ducks, though I believe that is to help keep the seagulls away, and they do supply free duck food.
9 out of 10 ducks agree, white bread is a delicious alternative to what they normally eat...